
Stay up to date on the latest from MAH.

September 12, 2024

MAH Workshop: Muhammad (PBUH) "Brand" Across Space and Time

Assalaamu Alaikum,

We are pleased to invite you to a special in-person workshop at our Masjid from Friday, September 27 through Sunday, September 29 presented by Criterion Concepts. This workshop will focus on applying the attributes, actions, and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) to various aspects of modern life.

Led by Br. Assad Koshul and Dr. Abdalaziz Eddebrah, this interactive program will explore how to present the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) in today's context, utilizing his attributes and teachings to address contemporary societal challenges. The workshop will also take a comprehensive and holistic approach to understanding his intellectual and spiritual legacy.

Program Schedule:

  • Friday, Sept 27 (7:00PM - 8:00PM): Introduction
  • Saturday, Sept 28 (10:00AM - 4:00PM): Workshop Day 1
  • Sunday, Sept 29 (10:00AM - 4:00PM): Workshop Day 2

We strongly encourage you to attend this unique and holistic exploration of the life and legacy of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). We look forward to welcoming you all.

Jazaakum Allahu Khairan,

MAH Executive Committee

MAH Workshop: Muhammad (PBUH) "Brand" Across Space and Time
Ramadan Start Date and Program
March 8, 2024

Ramadan Start Date and Program

Assalaamu Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters,

With the approach of the blessed month of Ramadan, we are reminded of the immense opportunity it presents for spiritual growth, reflection, and strengthening our bond to Allah. It is with great anticipation and humility that we prepare to welcome these sacred days in our lives.

Ramadan will begin on the evening of Sunday, March 10, or Monday, March 11 contingent upon sighting of the moon locally. We will promptly notify you of the confirmed start date via email, on our website, and through an updated voice recording on our phone line at 808-947-6263 on Sunday evening.

In alignment with our commitment to facilitating spiritual enrichment, we are pleased to announce our comprehensive nightly Ramadan program:

8:30 - Isha prayer

8:45 - Quran recitation

8:55 - Taraaweeh prayer (4 rakaat)

9:10 - Lecture

9:25 - Taraweeh prayer (4 rakaat)

9:40 - Witr prayer

9:45 - Dua

9:50 - Program end

The program is subject to change and may go on longer. If you do not plan to stay for the entire program, please park your cars outside as we will not be asking people to move their cars.

As a reminder please be mindful of our neighbors when parking in the residential area surrounding the Masjid. Please do not park illegally and do not block our neighbors' driveways.

Due to the ongoing repairs and improvements on the property, we will be unable to host communal iftaars in the Masjid this year.

Please be advised that the dates sold at Costco are a product of Israel. If you have already mistakenly purchased them, they will be accepted as a return.

As we embark on this month-long spiritual journey, let us set our intentions to increase our worship and seek closeness to Allah. May our hearts be filled with gratitude, humility, and compassion as so many of our brothers and sisters around the world will struggle to meet the basic needs that we freely enjoy.

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Ramadan filled with peace, blessings, and spiritual abundance.

Warm regards,

MAH Executive Committee

Reminder: Solidarity March for Palestine Sunday
January 27, 2024

Reminder: Solidarity March for Palestine Sunday

Asalaamu Alaikum,

We are writing to remind you that the Solidarity March for Palestine is this Sunday, January 28 beginning at 12PM from the Waikiki entrance of Ala Moana Beach Park, along the intersection of Ala Moana Boulevard and Atkinson Drive, to Kapiolani Park (route below).

Please arrive no later than 11AM. The program will continue after the march at the Kapiolani Park Bandstand with the above schedule. A shuttle service will begin at 5PM to return march participants back to their parked cars at Ala Moana Beach Park.

We encourage you to wear your "Ku Kia'i Palestina" (Defenders of Palestine)T-shirts along with us during the march. For those of you who wish to purchase one for $20, please use the PayPal link on our website and we will give you your shirt on Sunday. 100% of the proceeds will go to humanitarian relief in Palestine.

Please invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues. We cannot stress enough the importance of showing out in large numbers to put pressure on our lawmakers to put forward legislation calling for an immediate cease-fire and ease of humanitarian aid into Palestine.

Aditionally, please be mindful to stay with the group and not to engage in any way with any counter protestors. We look forward to marching alongside you in what promises to be the largest Palestine soldarity event in the history of Hawai'i.


MAH Executive Committee

Solidarity March for Peace in Palestine on January 28
January 24, 2024

Solidarity March for Peace in Palestine on January 28

Asalaamu Alaikum

We hope this message finds you in the best of health and strongest of iman. We are reaching out to invite you to join a solidarity march for peace in Palestine, where we will stand alongside a dozen local organizations with the shared goal of advocating for a cease-fire and allowing unrestricted humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Date: Sunday, January 28

Gathering Time: 11:00 AM

Location: Waikiki entrance of Ala Moana Beach Park (Intersection of Ala Moana Boulevard and Atkinson Drive)

March Start Time: 12:00 PM

March Route: Along Ala Moana Boulevard and Kalakaua Avenue, concluding at the entrance of Kapiolani Park

The march is estimated to last approximately an hour and a half. Upon reaching the Kapiolani Park Bandstand, the program will continue with inspiring speakers, artistic performances, delicious food vendors, and more as part of a family-friendly event.

This event is a unique opportunity for us to stand together and demonstrate unified support for our oppressed brothers and sisters in Palestine. We urge you to invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join us. We believe the power of our collective voices will be louder than individual ones, and your presence will contribute to the strength of this message.

We sincerely hope to see you there, standing in unity for a cause that transcends borders and embodies the principles of compassion and justice.

Warm regards,

MAH Executive Committee

Urgent Call to Action: Rally for Palestine on November 12
November 3, 2023

Urgent Call to Action: Rally for Palestine on November 12

Asalaamu Alaikum,

We are writing to urgently address the dire situation in Palestine and the unrelenting suffering endured by innocent civilians, half of whom are children, as well as doctors and first responders in all areas of Palestine with the epicenter in Gaza.

The current siege of Gaza has reached unprecedented levels of devastation. The toll on human lives is staggering, with nearly 10,000 Palestinians dead, and over 32,000 wounded and in need of immediate medical attention. Additionally, thousands more remain unaccounted for. We are witnessing relentless attacks on hospitals and refugee camps, leaving us with a sense of urgency to take a stand against these atrocities.

Regrettably, our Senate has not yet introduced a resolution for a ceasefire. Moreover, the recent decision by the US House of Representatives to allocate an additional $14.3 billion in weapons to Israel is deeply troubling. It is unacceptable for our lawmakers to remain silent in the face of what can only be described as an outright genocide.

In response to this crisis, we are organizing a second sign-waving protest to demand an immediate cessation of the atrocities. We call for an end to the bombing of civilian targets, which includes hospitals, churches, schools, mosques, and residential neighborhoods. Additionally, we demand access to necessities such as water, food, medicine, and humanitarian supplies.

The protest will take place on Sunday, November 12 from 3:30PM to 5:30PM at the Waikiki entrance of Ala Moana Beach Park, along the intersection of Ala Moana Boulevard and Atkinson Drive. It is imperative that we show our strength in numbers to compel our representatives to take action. We must demonstrate that we are a significant, united force, unwavering in our support for the Palestinian cause, and unwilling to be disregarded.

If we cannot appeal to the humanity within them, we must appeal to the pragmatic politicians within them.

Please join us, along with your friends, families, and any other concerned parties in this crucial event. Together, we will make a difference and bring attention to the urgent need for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid.

In solidarity and hope,

MAH Executive Committee

Urgent: Senate Hearing on Additional Funding for Israel - Call to Action
October 29, 2023

Urgent: Senate Hearing on Additional Funding for Israel - Call to Action

Asalaamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,

We are writing to inform you about an important matter that requires our collective attention and action.

On Tuesday, October 31 there will be a Senate hearing concerning the allocation of an additional $14 billion in funding for Israel. This decision holds significant implications for the ongoing oppression and genocide of the Palestinian population in Gaza.

We ask you, our community, and people that you know to call Senators Hirono and Schatz on Monday, October 30 voicing your concerns and urging them to oppose this funding. Additionally, we call upon them to advocate for a cessation to the violation of humanitarian and international laws and an end to the ongoing atrocities.

Below is the contact information for Senators Hirono and Schatz in both their Washington, DC and Honolulu offices:


Mazie K. Hirono (D)

·      Washington, DC: (202) 224-6361

·      Honolulu, HI: (808) 522-8970

 Brian E. Schatz (D)

·      Washington, DC: (202) 224-3934

·      Honolulu, HI: (808) 523-2061


Your voice matters, and every call they receive is counted. Let us stand steadfast and united in our effort to promote peace and justice for our brothers and sisters in Palestine during these harrowing times.

Jazaakom Allah Kheir for your swift action and unwavering commitment to this cause.

Warm Regards,

MAH Executive Committee

Day of Prayer and Action for Palestine
October 20, 2023

Day of Prayer and Action for Palestine

Assalamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,

We hope this message finds you in good health and steadfast faith. We write to you today with heavy hearts, deeply saddened by the ongoing atrocities in Palestine. Over the past many days and nights, we have been in constant reflection and deliberation on how best to meaningfully support our Palestinian brothers and sisters who are enduring ruthless, inhumane, and barbaric oppression at the hands of Israel and its secular, Zionist regime. We have worked behind the scenes and Alhmadulillah much has been accomplished.

First, we would like to thank Governor Green for ordering today that the United States flag and the Hawai‘i State flag be flown at half-staff at the Hawai‘i State Capitol and at all state offices and agencies, as well as at Hawai‘i National Guard facilities in the State of Hawai‘i, effective immediately to “honor the lives being lost in the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and with the hope that peace can be achieved”. We thank him for being the first governor in the nation to do so and we appreciate his statement, “we are praying that the conflict in Gaza ends quickly, that all of the hostages are returned safely to their families, and that no more civilians are hurt or killed.”

Similarly, we would like to also thank both our Senators, Hirono and Schatz for issuing and convincing 31 other senators to endorse their joint statement stating, “We urge the swift implementation of sustained access for humanitarian aid, including water and medical supplies, to save civilian lives in Gaza.”

After several discussions with many of you before and after Jumuaa prayer today, the MAH is organizing a Day of Prayer and Action for Palestine on Sunday, October 22. The theme of the day will be “Stand Up for Truth, Justice and Peace”. Allah SWT said, “Oh you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” Quran 2:153

Therefore, in keeping with the spirit of our Islamic teachings, keeping the unity of our small community, and honoring our shared values, we have put together a program of prayer, reflection, Dua’a and action. The program will, Insha’Allah, be as follows:

Saturday 10/21/2023:

If you’d like to participate in Sundays’ Khatem of the Quran, please contact the Imam who will assign you a juzuaa so that we, as a community, can complete multiple Khatem’s of the Holy Quran.

Sunday 10/22/2023:

11:00 am - Meet at the Masjid to make signs/posters.

1:00 pm - Dohr Prayer.

3:30 to 5:00 pm - Sign waving to stop the atrocities, stop the bombing of civilian targets including hospitals, churches, schools, mosques and residential neighborhoods that results in the murdering of innocent civilians; and demanding access to water, food and medicine and humanitarian supplies. The location will be at the Waikiki entrance of Ala Moana Beach Park, on the corner of Ala Moana Blvd. and Atkinson Drive. Opposite side of Ala Moana mall.

5:30 pm - Return to Masjid for Asr Prayer and continuation of the program.

5:45 pm - Personal reflection and dua’a.

6:15 pm - Maghreb Prayer.

6:30 pm - Catered dinner will be served.

7:45 pm - Signing a letter/petition addressed to President Biden and to both House and Senate leadership imploring them to leverage their substantial influence to halt the ongoing massacre and genocide of our Palestinian brothers and sisters. We will also provide you sample drafted letters for those who wish to personally correspond with lawmakers.

8:00 pm - Isha Prayer, followed by Imam recitation and Khatem Dua’a.

Additional information: 

Given our situation in Hawaii and the consideration, sympathy and care shown by our politicians and the overwhelming majority of Hawaii citizens, we feel that a purposeful sign waving event that is motivated by unity and peace will benefit the people in Gaza in a meaningful and impactful way.

We implore each of you, along with your families, to join us for this Day of Prayer, reflection, Dua’a and action both at the sign waving event and at the masjid Insha’Allah. This is a first step for many in our community to show our unwavering, steadfast, and faithful support of Palestine and its innocent men, women, and children.

Unfortunately, large, organized, and well-resourced Zionist groups worldwide, including here in Hawaii, have launched an aggressive, truth-bereft campaign aimed at suppressing any opposing viewpoints and may be at the sign waving event for the sole purpose of instigating angry reactions, inciting negative emotional responses, goading us all into an emotional reply that supports their view that we are not capable of clear, rational, level-headed responses. They will come prepared with their flags and desire to disrupt our peaceful event. They will, as they did in the protest last week, say evil and hurtful things in hopes of getting negative and angry reactions from the Muslims. Therefore, if any of us falls into this trap we will not achieve our intended outcome. In fact, if we react to their insults or taunting it will be harmful to our community and damage relationships that took decades to build.

Keep in mind that where protests nationwide are meant to convince and pressure politicians to take action against killing of the innocent, here in Hawaii our politicians have already spoken out without this external pressure. As such, we strongly recommend that we do not engage with any from the opposing side. Specific individuals from our community will be tasked with addressing these people if needed.

For any brothers or sisters who are concerned about their safety or retaliation by the apartheid Israeli government when they return to Palestine, we recommend that you only attend the event at the masjid. For the rest of us, please show up and bring with you friends who share our values and intent of this day.

If you are willing to help us make this event successful, please email us at and provide us with your phone number. For any media interactions, please refer them to brother Hakim who will be leading these efforts.

We look forward to seeing all of you and we pray that Allah SWT grant us strength and guide us in our efforts. Let’s work together to make this day meaningful, to honor our brothers and sisters who continue to suffer at the hands of their oppressor. 

In solidarity and faith,

MAH Executive Committee