
Stay up to date on the latest from MAH.

September 12, 2024

MAH Workshop: Muhammad (PBUH) "Brand" Across Space and Time

Assalaamu Alaikum,

We are pleased to invite you to a special in-person workshop at our Masjid from Friday, September 27 through Sunday, September 29 presented by Criterion Concepts. This workshop will focus on applying the attributes, actions, and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) to various aspects of modern life.

Led by Br. Assad Koshul and Dr. Abdalaziz Eddebrah, this interactive program will explore how to present the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) in today's context, utilizing his attributes and teachings to address contemporary societal challenges. The workshop will also take a comprehensive and holistic approach to understanding his intellectual and spiritual legacy.

Program Schedule:

  • Friday, Sept 27 (7:00PM - 8:00PM): Introduction
  • Saturday, Sept 28 (10:00AM - 4:00PM): Workshop Day 1
  • Sunday, Sept 29 (10:00AM - 4:00PM): Workshop Day 2

We strongly encourage you to attend this unique and holistic exploration of the life and legacy of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). We look forward to welcoming you all.

Jazaakum Allahu Khairan,

MAH Executive Committee

MAH Workshop: Muhammad (PBUH) "Brand" Across Space and Time
MSA Fall 2023 Kick-off Symposium
September 6, 2023

MSA Fall 2023 Kick-off Symposium

Asalaamu Alaikum,

The following is an invitation from the brothers and sisters of the MSA at UH Manoa:

Assalam Alaikum, You are cordially invited to join us for the Muslim Student Association at UH Manoa's Fall Kick-off Symposium and Networking Session. Scheduled for Friday, September 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This gathering promises delicious cuisine, an update on MSA's recent initiatives, and an opportunity to connect with fellow community members.

We are privileged to host Dr. Ismail Elsheik, who will shed light on the profound humanistic attributes, lifestyle, and personal journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Through his insights, we hope to draw lessons that can guide and enhance our academic, professional, and personal lives.

We welcome all - students, faculty, and community members. The event will be held in the Art building, room 132, 2535 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. Registered attendees will receive a map and parking details closer to the event date. Kindly RSVP at: & time:  Friday, September 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.Venue Art building, room 132, 2535 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

We are looking forward to your gracious presence.

Warm Regards,
MSA Team

Maui Relief Efforts
August 11, 2023

Maui Relief Efforts

Assalamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,

The Muslim Association of Hawaii is shocked and saddened by the devestation and losses caused by the fires on Maui. On behalf of MAH we extend our deepest sympathy to the families who lost a loved one and we pray that their hearts and souls find peace and comfort. While the fire destroyed everything in its path, not even this tragic disaster can destroy our compassion, courage, hope and desire to help those in need. As such, MAH stands strong, supportive, and ready to assist our community that is affected by this tragedy and we encourage and urge you to participate by donating to MAH. 100% of what we collect for this cause will be sent to the approved organizations on the ground.

Due to our capacity, we are only taking monetary donations at this time. If you live on Maui and are affected by this tragedy or if you’d like to donate food or goods, here are some useful tips:


Residents who are looking for food, water, shelter and neccisities can visit the following locations below:

King’s Cathedral Maui.

777 Maui Veteran’s Highway in Kahului

(808) 871-7311

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Kahului

1300 Maui Lani Parkway in Kahului

(808) 233-9205

Oskie Rice Arena is for farm and ranch animals only.

Olinda Road in Makawao

(808) 757-3347

Hawaii Convention Center (Oahu): 1801 Kalākaua Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815; (808) 943-3500

Maui High School, 660 Lono Avenue in Kahuluil; (808) 727-4000

Hannibal Tavares Community Center; 91 Pukalani Street in Pukalani; (808) 572-8122

War Memorial Complex; 700 Halia Nakoa Street in Wailuku; (808) 270-7389

For Shelter information or updates, please email:


If you need assistance locating a missing loved one due to the current disaster:

Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) and select Option 4.

Follow the voice prompts for "Hawaii Wildfires."

Provide as much detail as possible to assist us in potentially locating your missing loved one.


FEMA Individual and Families Assistance:

Child Care Services for Maui Families: CALL 808-961-3169,

For major donation of supplies and services, please contact : HAWAII EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY at 808-733-4300, EMAIL :, EMAIL:



700 Halia Nakoa Street in Wailuku








780 Onehee Ave, Kahului, HI 96732












Proactive Evacuations are in place by Maui County fire officials for residents in the following locations:

Holopuni and Pulehi roads in Kula

Lahainaluna Road

Hale Mahaolu

Kelawea Mauka

Lahaina Bypass areas on the west side, as well as Piʻiholo and Olinda roads, Kulalani Drive and Kulalani Circle subdivision in Upcountry, and the Kula 200 and Hanamu Road areas.

ROAD CLOSURES: (check with authorities for updates)

•Honoapiilani Hwy-Lahaina

•Front Street

•Honoapiilani South-Bound



•Lahaina bypass

•Leialii Hwy-Southbound



•Kahekili Hwy/Waihee school

(local traffic only)

•Kulumanu Circle

•Haleakala Hwy/Kulalani


•Lower Kimo/Haleakala Hwy blocking traffic to Kula/Haleakala

Jazaakom Allah Kheir,

MAH Execeutive Committee

Eid Mubarak: Eid Prayer and Festivities Program
April 20, 2023

Eid Mubarak: Eid Prayer and Festivities Program

Asalaamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,

We are delighted to announce that the crescent moon of Shawwal was sighted this evening locally; therefore, Eid al-Fitr will be observed on Friday, April 21 and will be prayed in the Masjid. Takbeerat will begin at 8:30 AM, and prayer will begin promptly at 9:00 AM followed by the khutba. After the program refreshments will be served.

Please be advised that parking will be limited; therefore, it is our strong recommendation that you carpool as able. Overflow parking will be available at the SDA Church on Manoa road and is a 4 minute walk from the Masjid.

Additional parking is available at Manoa Valley District Park. A group of brothers have generously offered to shuttle people in their minivans from the park to the Masjid between 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM. They have informed us that they will have an “Eid Mubarak” placard on their windshield for identification. May Allah (SWT) reward their kind generosity.

As previously announced, we will continue our Eid celebration on Sunday, April 23 at Keehi Lagoon Memorial Burns Hall starting at 8:30 AM. The family-friendly festivities will include games, activities, gifts, bounce castles, and concessions. We strongly encourage parents to bring their children so they may experience the joyous occasion of Eid with other children. Lunch will be served promptly at 11:30 AM. The program will conclude following Dhuhr prayer at 1:00 PM.

We wish you and your loved ones a most blessed Eid and look forward to celebrating the occasion with you all.

Jazaakom Allah Kheir,

MAH Executive Committee

Zakat al-Fitr Reminder
April 3, 2023

Zakat al-Fitr Reminder

Ramadan is a special month where we focus on increasing our worship and giving Zakat (charity). We’d like to remind all members of our community about the importance of Zakat ul Fitr, which is an obligatory charity due before the Eid prayer.

The main purpose of Zakat ul-Fitr is to provide those who fasted with the means of making up for their errors during the month of fasting. Zakat ul-Fitr also provides the poor with a means with which they can celebrate Eid along with the rest of Muslims.

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, obligated payment of charity at the end of Ramadan, a portion of dates or barely, upon slave and freeman, male and female, young and old among the Muslims. The Prophet ordered it to be given before people go out for Eid prayer. [Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1503]

This year, the amount due is $12 per household member (regardless of age). As a friendly reminder, please make sure to pay your Zakat-ul-Fitr before Eid, either at the mosque or online through our website.

May Allah (SWT) accept our good deeds and bless us all during this blessed month. Ameen!

Ramadan Mubarak!
March 23, 2023

Ramadan Mubarak!

It is our great pleasure to inform you that the blessed month of Ramadan will begin on Thursday, March 23 inshaAllah. Taraweeh will begin on Wednesday night, March 22, following Isha prayer at 8:15 PM.

This is a time for us to reflect, repent, and renew our commitment to our faith. Let us set our intention now to worship Allah to the best of our abilities during these auspicious days and nights. We look forward to seeing you in the Masjid.

Ramadan Mubarak!

Nightly Ramadan Program
March 23, 2023

Nightly Ramadan Program

As the blessed month of Ramadan is approaching and anticipated to begin on Thursday March 23, we are delighted to invite you to join us for our Ramadan program at the Masjid. We have planned a spiritually uplifting program, led by our Imam, that we hope will benefit everyone.

The program will inshaAllah begin nightly at 8:15 PM with Isha prayer followed by four rakat Taraweeh. This will be followed by a short talk on various aspects of Islam and Ramadan. Following the talk, we will continue with four additional rakat Taraweeh followed by a short recitation of the Quran. To end, we will offer Shaf’a prayer, followed by Witr and Dua. The program will conclude at approximately 9:30 PM nightly. Tahajjud prayers will inshaAllah be offered in the last 10 nights starting at 4:00 AM.  

As announced many times at Jummuah prayer, parking near and around the Masjid continues to be a most contentious subject with our neighbors. Numerous complaints have been made to City Council members, state agencies, and the Honolulu Police Department. We are each ambassadors of Islam, and as such, this is not the message we want to send nor is it the reputation we want to create.

Our Prophet (SAW) taught us to be kind, thoughtful, and considerate to our neighbors. We look forward to Ramadan each year, but our neighbors unfortunately do not. With that in mind, this year we’re refocusing our efforts on being a great neighbor; the kind of neighbor our religion expects us to be therefore, there will be no Iftaar in the Masjid during this Ramadan. We will instead focus on our religious obligations and honor the teachings of our beloved Prophet (SAW). As a further reminder, please be courteous to our neighbors with respect to parking and noise.

We hope this Ramadan will be a time of spiritual growth and reflection. May Allah (SWT) accept our worship and prayers and bless us with His mercy and forgiveness. Jazaakom Allah Kheir!